Saturday, September 11, 2010

SACU - 11 Days old - the birth September 1, 2010

Yes the organization was formed in 2008 but it was just born on September 1, 2010 - that's what Ivan the founder says.  It happened when I arrived.

Now cut and paste
So little time so much to do. So little money, can't do anything more.

So much accomplished in such a short time.

What have we accomplished in 11 days?

built 2 classrooms for our nursery school

blackboards made

uniforms for 35 children who will be attending our Nursery school - one child is a deaf mute

food purchased for 60 children (5 day a week for 2 months)

benches made for students to sit on

cook hired - 40 000 schillings a month ($20 US)

2 teachers hired - they will only make 80 000 schillings a month ($40 US) and won't make anything when the school term ends - will they come back????

8 students registered at King Solomon - school fees paid for this term, uniforms purchased, notebooks, pens, brooms and toilet paper, backpacks, soap, plates and cups and especially shoes and shoe polish and socks

all the cooking supplies - 2 huge pots and charcoal 'stoves', huge spoon, lids, knives, 60 cups, 60 plates (no silverware as they don't really use it much)

5 water containers

beans, sugar, salt, maize flour for 2 months

hand washing stations - 2 to teach the children how to wash their hands before eating.

some school supplies - crayons for each child, pencils, 2 pair of scissors (teacher), 2 reams of paper, some paint for the children, a stapler, pens for the teachers, some glue sticks, .... (really not much - I'm not sure how the teachers will manage for a term)

Met with 18 families to inspect their homes and children

brought 2 children to hospital and they were diagnosed with malnutrition and malaria

Going to Buwundo Village tomorrow (Sunday) to meet with the children - hopefully to give them their uniforms - if we have them in our possession. Also going to meet with the teachers to give them their duties. We are staying overnight in Jinja - the source of the NIle = since we want to be at the village for MOnday when the school starts. It's only a 40 minute ride instead of a 3 hour drive. we'll stay there 2 nights.

Want to check on another young fellow whose stomach grew enormous in 3 days - is it overeating or worms? My bet worms. If not better for school we will bring him to the hospital. There are still about 5 cxhildren I want to have checked for malaria or worms.

Can't remember if I told you we registered 4 more children in the project - their mother died on MOnday and they were left to their grandfather since ther father is dead also.

Want to pick up pineapples tomorrow to give to the children for a treat for breakfast on their first day of school. Wish I could give them fruit everyday or something to drink, but there is no money for that.
Lots more to say and I will eventually. 
Not sure when I will get back on the computer.
Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Geri! My name is Mark and I visited your blog for the first time today. I am very touched by what you are trying to do in Uganda. I will be watching your blog and I signed up as a follower. Please feel free to email me. I would like to make others aware of what is going on with this new school. I, also have a blog and God has blessed it more than I could have imagined. Would you be comfortable with me encouraging my readers to visit your blog? My wife and I will be praying for you, the children and all who are involved with the ministry/school. I also would like to know if it is possible to support the school financially. Please get in touch with me and God bless all you are doing!
