Monday, August 9, 2010

Beginning - Aug 9, 2010

Well I'm finally trying a blog to keep all my friends posted on my adventures.  This way those not on facebook can check out what I'm doing.  I'm sure the first few times this is going to be a hodge podge and I apologize for that.  I plan on putting pictures in this blog from Africa and perhaps let you know what's happenng in Uganda if I get connected while there.
Check out the website of Save African Child Uganda at

My friends at the campground are holding a pasta dinner this Saturday, August 14, 2010 to help raise some funds for the education of Ugandan Orphans.

This is a letter I sent out.  Perhaps you know of someone who is willing to help these children.

Geri Sutts

Education Project Coordinator


1571 Whitewood Dr.

Belle River, Ontario

N0R 1A0


Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing this letter to ask for your service club’s financial support.

Since my retirement from teaching in June of 2004 I have gone on 4 volunteer missions. My first 3 missions I taught underprivileged children in Honduras and twice in Guatemala. My 4th mission, in October 2008, I lead a team of 12 to build a classroom in Uganda, Africa for the WATOTO Child Care Ministries for orphaned children. You may have heard of the team - Geri’s School of R.O.C.K. (Reaching Out in Christian Kindness).

While in Uganda, I met a 21 year old Ugandan orphan named Ivan Nsera. He was telling me about the organization he was trying to start to help the orphaned children in his village and district. He asked me for help and guidance in getting it going, but the only thing I could do is give him some names of others I had met who started their own organizations in Guatemala. Due to family illness I was unable to spend the time to help him. I lost track of Ivan until he found me on Facebook.

Since October 2008, Ivan has continued to work on his organization. He has managed to get the organization registered with the African government. His organization is called SACU - Save African Child Uganda. You can check out the organization at

The past few months I have reading up on his organization. On May 7th I decided to go to Uganda to see what I could do to help, and booked my flight to leave Detroit on August 31 for 2 ½ weeks.

Ivan has since asked me to become the Education Project Coordinator. After much thought and prayers I accepted this position. It is a big step considering I have no funds to help these children and this is such a young organization. I am starting on the ground floor.

My plan is to start with 60 orphaned children. I am looking at the educational aspect only. Using the budget Ivan had started, I calculate it would cost approx. $6900 US to send 60 children to school for 1 year. This comes out to approx. $125 Canadian per child. ($7500 Can - depending on exchange)

Following is the proposed budget (US funds as this is the accepted currency in Africa) for 60 orphans.

2 Teachers Salary - $900 x 2 = $1800

Breakfast (including cook) $2160

School rental $900

Books, readers, etc $360

Soccer balls, nets, etc $360

Furniture $360

School uniforms $600

TOTAL $6900 US

There are hundreds of orphans in the villages but I can only start with a smaller number because of funding and initial organization. Perhaps in a year or two more children can benefit. For every $3500 US I can educate another 30 orphans. As a retired educator I cannot turn my back on these orphans.

I would be grateful for any financial contribution a club or organization could give. I would appreciate receiving any contributions before I leave so I can work on purchasing the supplies needed when I get there, if possible. If you are so inclined, cheques can be made out to me - Geri Sutts - with SACU in the memo line. If you need references to show I won’t abscond with the money I’ll gladly supply names. My expenses come out of my own pocket.

I do plan on continuing to go to Uganda myself 2 or 3 times a year out of my own pocket. My next trip is in January 2011.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you and blessings

Geri Sutts


  1. Praise God!!Will be good to follow your travels and where God leads you to minister. Shalom.

  2. May God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob always be with you
