Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thanks for your support so far!!! 17 children sponsored for education!!

Thank you for your support so far.
We have 17 children out of the 60 sponsored for Education for a year (2011) so far.  We also have enough money to feed 50 children for a month (2 meals a day for 5 days a week).



  • Juice for 60 children 2 times a week
  • 20 rolls of toilet paper
  • water for a week
  • little girls uniforms
  • notebooks for one child attending primary school per term
  • enough pineapple to feed the children twice in a week
  • bananas for a day for the nursery school children
  • Pay Sulli's salary for the month (cleaning and helping feed and supervise the children)
  • pay Dan's momma her salary for a month (washes all the dishes twice a day) other chores as well
  • pay for 2 children's visits to the hospital
  • 2 slates - we need at least 12 more plus the chalk
  • sweet potatoes for a special meal
  • gnuts for a meal
  • soap for 3 families for a month
  • 10 brooms (each child going to primary school or senior school needs 4)
  • Cassava for a special meal (a root vegetable the people love but it's a treat)
  • sweater for a little girl or boy - yes they get cold
  • meat for a special meal (we haven't had any meat for any of our meals for the children)


  • Mosquito nets for 2
  • feed 2 children breakfast and lunch for a month (5 days a week)
  • sack of sugar or rice or beans or flour - good for 3 weeks of food
  • charcoal for 1 1/2 weeks for cooking breakfast and lunch
  • 2 reams of paper
  • some sports equipment
  • transport - to bring children to the hospital to be checked out
  • table (desk) for the children to write on or do activities on
  • shoes for a younger child


  • 2 mattresses for 2 children to sleep on
  • electricity installed
  • email for a month and a half ($30 a month)
  • one term of preschool or nursery school per child ($150 - year) - we have 52 children on our register but only 36 of the 4 - 7 year olds are in school.  The 2 and 3 year olds need a preschool.
  • one teacher's salary for a month
  • one cook and 2 helpers for a month


  • small swing set
  • trikes for nursery school
  • some educational supplies - lego, blocks, paint and paper
  • metal bunk bed

  • food for 1 year for a child - 2 meals a day 5 days a week during the school year.


  • preschool and nursery school fees for one year - we have 36 nursery school children and 16 preschool children


  • 1 year fees for a primary school student (we have 8 registered but need to enroll 2 more)


  • 1 year fees for a senior student S-1 to S-3 (currently we only have 1)


  • 1 year fees for a senior student S-4 to S-6 (currently we only have one)  Our female!!!


  • cookhouse - We are currently using someones but it needs repair.  We need to build our own.
  • Kindergarten supplies - there is nothing


  • per acre of land but we need at least 2 acres
  • preschool classroom of brick - large
  • each of the 2 nursery school classrooms
  • Educational supplies
With more money we can build our own 3 classrooms on land with a playground.  Right now there is a road out front with the sugar cane tractors going by.  A real hazard for the children.  We need to find another location for our Nursery school.

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